Graduate Profile: Timothy Killillay

“It is God who works in us, both to will and to work for his good pleasure,” and I am grateful that the Lord has given me the opportunity to study at the Reformed Baptist Seminary. I am also grateful that the Seminary trains and works to meet the specific needs of individual students who are in full time service in the United States and in other countries around the world.

My name is Tim Killillay, and I am a sinner saved by the grace of God. I grew up in a Christian home hearing the gospel but rejecting it until one day God granted me repentance when I was 19 years old. God gave me a desire to serve Him and make his fame great.
I left the public university to study the Bible at Northland Baptist Bible College. During my studies I met my wife Lille, who was a missionary kid from Mexico. We were married on July 22, 2000, and I got my diploma in 2003 with a focus on missions.

The Lord blessed us with five children and the opportunity to serve in our local church together. In 2007 we had a doctrinal shift that led us out of the Independent Baptist churches and into the Reformed Baptist churches. We knew the Lord had been preparing us to be missionaries, and with our church’s blessing, we started raising support.

We arrived in Peru in August 2012, ready to do great things for the Lord, but we learned that there was so much more to learn not only culturally but also biblically. In 2014 our sending church pastor was studying at RBS and encouraged me to take some classes. That has been one of the best investments that I have made.

Taking the practical doctrine that I have learned from faithful men at RBS I have been able to deposit into other faithful men. I have had the privilege of teaching men who are pastoring and serving little churches in the jungle. Presently I am working with a small church plant that needs to be put in order, and I continue to train other men the Word of God. May the Lord receive all the glory for the work of RBS and our own ministries “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.”

Timothy Killillay