Graduate Profile: Kevin Sanders, M.T.S.

My name is Kevin Sanders, and I am a graduate of Reformed Baptist Seminary. At a young age, I witnessed gospel transformation in the life of both my Father and Mother. Though my parents were divorced, God sovereignly worked to bring them both to salvation through the same church in Seal Beach, CA. Watching this transformation made an impact on me that God would later use to bring me to salvation. After a move from California to Georgia in 1999, a new church community, and continuous exposure to the gospel, God saved me. 

My youth pastor discipled me and instilled in me a love for God’s word and his mission. I sensed a call to ministry during my senior year of high school and enrolled in Bible College. While pursuing an undergraduate degree in Bible, I married my wife, started our family, and worked in various ministry roles. In 2008 I joined the staff of a new church in Dacula, GA. My time at NewBranch Community Church was the most formative time in my ministry and spiritual life. My pastor invested in me and trained me up to send me out. I served as youth pastor, worship leader, and associate pastor before being sent out as a Church Planter. 

In 2015 I relocated from Dacula, GA to Boston, MA with Lauren and our five children to begin the process of planting Redeeming Grace Church. While New England has a rich gospel history, there is a great need for healthy churches in the least religious area of our country. Finishing seminary while planting has been challenging, yet rewarding. My focus on Practical Theology at RBS has better equipped me to lead, pastor, and plant. My time at RBS has been a joy and has instilled in me a deeper love for the gospel and a rich appreciation of confessional baptist heritage. I look forward to commending RBS to future men we train up for gospel ministry. 

Kevin Sanders
Master of Theological Studies

Bob Gonzales

Bob Gonzales has served as a pastor of four Reformed Baptist congregations and has been the Academic Dean and a professor since 2005. He is the author of Where Sin Abounds: the Spread of Sin and the Curse in Genesis with Special Focus on the Patriarchal Narratives and has contributed to the Reformed Baptist Theological Review, The Founders Journal, and Westminster Theological Journal. Dr Gonzales is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society. He and his wife, Becky, reside in Boca Raton, Florida.